Copy Text On Screen pro v2.1 Apk

Cover art

   Copy Text On Screen pro- screenshot

   Copy Text On Screen pro- screenshot

   Copy Text On Screen pro- screenshot

Copy text on mobile screen to clipboard or share.
Copy paste any text as long as you can see it on your screen! Copy text from ANY screen to your clipboard. Then, paste it into any text box. Convert your phone into a mobile text scanner.
Here OCR technology is used to recognise text on the device screen.
OCR Recognises text with 95% to 100% accuracy. Please check with your device.
Note:Gave support for most of languages.
How to use this app
1. Take a screenshot.
2. Open the screenshot and share with this app.
3. Drag the corners to select the text and select the language for OCR then save.
4. Please wait while the app performs OCR (Optical Character Recognition) operation to extract the text.
5. Now you may copy to clipboard or share the extracted text.
You can take screenshots by pressing and holding the 'Power button' and 'Volume-down button' at the same time for 2 seconds
if that doesn't work try pressing and holding the 'Power button' and 'Home button' at the same time for 2 seconds


1. Text area crop speed improved.
2. Optimised for above lollipop devices.
3. Tablet device support.
4. Bug fixes.
1. Language selection and crop issues fixed.
2. New launcher icon and graphics added.
3. Bug fixes.
1. Look and feel are improved.
2. Crash issues fixed.
1. Gave support for Panjabi language.
2. OCR - improved.
3. Bug fixes.
1. Gave support for burmese language,
2. Bug fixes.
1. Gave support for five more languages.
2. Bug fixes.