APP - Graphynx, graphs & algorithms v1.13 apk

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Create graphs (simple, weighted, directed and/or multigraphs) and run algorithms step by step. Learn graph theory interactively... much better than a book!

27 algorithms to choose from:

- Depth-first search (DFS)
- Breadth-first search (BFS)
- Count connected components (using BFS)
- Greedy coloring
- BFS coloring
- Dijkstra's algorithm (shortest path)
- A*/A-star (shortest path, Euclidean distance)
- DFS spanning tree
- BFS spanning tree
- Prim's algorithm (minimum spanning tree)
- Kruskal's algorithm (minimum spanning tree/forest)
- Bridge edges finding
- Articulation points/cut vertices finding
- Eulerian graph detection
- Semi-Eulerian graph detection
- Tarjan's algorithm for strongly connected components in directed graphs
- Tree detection
- Bipartite graph detection
- Complete graph detection
- Tree center (unweighted graph)
- Tree center (weighted graph)
- Tree radius
- Tree diameter
- Tree node eccentricity
- Tree centroid
- Complement (inverse) graph
- Fleury's algorithm (Eulerian cycles/paths in Eulerian and semi-Eulerian graphs)