Motu and Patlu have to protect Furfuri Nagar and its residents after John the Don steals the Gold from the Furfuri Nagar Bank. Rush after John the Don as Motu Patlu or the rest of the team as Chingam, Ghasitaram or Dr Jhatka and get your Gold coins back!
Chase through the streets of Furfuri Nagar, use different bikes and grab power ups on the go and make the chase shorter. Dodge Trucks, Bus and cars before John gets away. Running and chasing John helps as you collect enough gold coins to unlock other characters of the Motu Patlu Run adventure.
Endless Runner – Run to catch John the Don
- - RUN as fast as you can to catch John the Don
- - EVADE oncoming Trucks and Cars to collect more gold
- - JUMP & DUCK to avoid Obstacles like Traffic Barrier and Cones
- - Use a selection of BIKES to RACE and to get additional lives
- - Ride on Rockets
- - Collect Coins
- - Get Multipliers
- - Get Mystery Box Rewards by collecting Letters
- - Boost your Score with multipliers by completing challenges
- - Participate in Events
- - Challenge your Friends