Meteogram widget is a weather app showing the weather in a very detailed way at a glance on your home screen. While a lot of weather apps are showing the weather forecast in a rather basic way, this app does that by visualizing the forecast in a so-called meteogram. Doing so gives the user a much better idea of when exactly rain will fall, the sun will be shining, when it will become cloudy...
The main focus of the app consists in showing the meteogram on a small home screen widget (e.g. a 4X1 widget). Even while the widget does not occupy that much space on the home screen, it still manages showing the forecast in a very clear way. Simply add a widget on your home screen, specify your location (or let the widget automatically determine your location) and the weather forecast appears on your home screen.
The meteogram shows the temperature and expected precipitation for the whole forecast period. Besides those typical weather elements, the wind speed, wind direction and air pressure can also be visualized. The user has all freedom to determine how the meteogram should look like: a great set of configuration settings allows the user to customize the widget completely to his own needs.